Living with less than we need is Great!

America is the land of opportunity ,where if you work hard you will be a success and all that shit. That is why in forty-five of the great states of the great america the median family income is below the living wage. Think a minute and let that stew inside your consciousness . In the richest country every known in thousands of years of human civilization on the planet we call earth, the vast majority of the people who live here don’t earn a living wage. No this is not an absurdist play or a postmodernist excursion into the ideology of the anti-hero. This is america. The GREATEST MUTHA FUCKIN’ COUNTRYY IN THE WORLD. WITH THE GREATEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD AND THE GREATEST HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD AND THE GREATEST SCHOOLS IN THE WORLD. CAN YOU FUCKIN’ DIG IT!!!!!!

God Damn are we being played!

And it’s really even worse than that because in a number of the most populous states like New York (population 19 million) and California (population 40 million and the fifth largest economy in the world) the median family income is more that $20,000 below the living wage. This means that the even more of the people in these two states do not make a living wage. Could you imagine how fucked up shit would be if we didn’t live in the GREATEST MUTHA FUCKIN’ COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK GOD WE DO!!!!!!

Clown Country

The United States is really a joke and the people who believe in its great ideal are just a bunch of pointy headed clowns. The greatest democracy in world. “We’re going to spread democracy to the lesser countries because the US invented freedom. But the consequence of the US version of freedom is oppression. Shit man, one person’s freedom in a capitalist economy is another person oppression. The capitalist class is free because it controls the means of production. The workers are free to sell their labor to one capitalist or another or they can live on the street and starve. Workers begin to get free when they come together and organize their collective power against the capitalist. For with out the workers the capitalist is just a pocket pool player. That’s why they treat us like crap and continuously make us feel inferior. That’s why they spin tales of great men and women doing great deeds in their education and culture. The power is with the people and the only force that can save us from the coming catastrophes— environmental, economic, nuclear war— is the force of the people/workers.